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Your constant source for helpful, useful, and entertaining content about payroll, human resources or anything else that will help you manage your workforce.

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Conversations with experts in a wide range of HR/HCM topics, for the benefit of anyone whose job it is to manage a workforce or take care of people.

Ashley Explains

Our Implementation Manager Ashley Hamilton gives you the facts about tax, labor laws, and a whole lot more.

Unfiltered HR

Our very own Jen Strait and Emily Martin from Ally HR Partners tackle common HR issues and provide practical advice to help you manage your workforce more effectively!

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Welcome to our comprehensive - yet growing - library of instructional how-to videos that focus on a variety of functions across our software platforms. Scroll down and filter by category or use the search bar to find exactly what you're looking for.

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A robust library of guides, kits and tools designed to educate and support anyone responsible for payroll, HR or managing a workforce of people.

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An extensive and ever-growing library of super handy employer guides on everything from human resource topics, important Labor Law updates, how to approach payroll for your company's industry, and much more.

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Software Downloads

Quickly reference and download software platforms, installation guides, middleware and other critical files you may need as a client to properly process critical payroll and HR functions with Complete Payroll. 

Mega Menu_What Is Payroll Country_landscape_438174 What is Payroll Country?

In Payroll Country, people come first, manners aren't optional and a job isn't done until it is. Sure, we're headquartered in a small, rural town. But Payroll Country isn't just where we're from. It's our philosophy of how business should be conducted. Welcome!

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Careers in Payroll Country
It's not about where we work, it's about how we work. And, more importantly, how we work together.
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Earn payroll credit for bringing your colleagues and friends to Payroll Country!

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Check out what some of our most loyal clients have to say about their Payroll Country experience, or leave some kind words about your own. 

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Our clear and simple implementation process removes all of the guesswork and friction, so can switch payroll providers seamlessly and without disruption to your business.

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Unfiltered HR

Our very own Jen Strait and Emily Martin from Ally HR Partners tackle common HR issues and provide practical advice to help you manage your workforce more effectively!

Employee Onboarding: Must-Do's and Should-Do's

First Impressions are EVERYTHING 🤝

The first 90 days of the employee lifecycle determine whether your new hire is going to stay with your company long-term, or if you'll be looking for their replacement before long. In this episode, Emily Martin (Ally HR Partners) and Jennifer Strait (Complete Payroll) explain what you SHOULD do, and what you MUST do to create a structured, smooth onboarding process that will make a solid first impression, and increase employee retention. 

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Recruiting & Selecting the Right People

Hiring the wrong people can be COSTLY 💸
In this episode, Emily Martin (Ally HR Partners) and Jennifer Strait explain what you SHOULD do, and what you MUST do to attract and select the RIGHT people, the FIRST time.

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Employee Termination Best Practices

Firing people 🤬 sucks.

In this episode, Emily Martin (Ally HR Partners) and our very own Jennifer Strait explain what NYS employers MUST do and what they SHOULD do to terminate an employee quickly, legally, and with dignity.

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Fighting Bogus Unemployment Claims

⚡️ Breaking News: Not Everyone Deserves to be on Unemployment 🤯
In this episode, Jen and Emily show how costly a bogus unemployment claim can be, and what you can do to protect your business and save money.

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Understanding Employee Retaliation Protections

Retaliation has been the most common type of EEOC charge for the last five years. In this episode, Emily and Jen educate employers on the definition, scope, and best practices surrounding retaliation, including how to keep it out of your business, both from an actual and perceived perspective.

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A 2022 Year End Checklist

There is a lot to consider when you close out your business for another fiscal year. In this episode, Emily Martin (Ally HR Partners) and Jennifer Strait provide a simple checklist to help guide you through 2022 year and and prepare yourself to start 2023 strong.

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Employers' Obligations for Accommodating Employees with Disabilities

Nearly all employers have some obligation to accommodate or otherwise modify usual aspects of performing in a role, to remove barriers to employment for individuals with disabilities, under the Americans with Disabilities Act and other state and federal laws and protections.

However, the scope of an employer’s obligation to accommodate is often not fully understood. In addition, the process of understanding where and when this is required, and how to go about meeting this obligation in the best way possible for both the business and the employee, can be tricky and fraught with opportunities for missteps.

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Employee Leave Best Practices

Employee leave usage is on the rise following the return-to-work after COVID. The number of leave options available to employees is also at an all-time high, and employers are required by law to provide many of these leaves. Administering leaves and staying compliant with their requirements, while also reducing their impact on your business, can be tricky to do.

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5 Things You Need to know about Paying Tipped Employees

Restaurant and Bar Owners, this one is for you! In this episode, Emily Martin (@allyhrpartners) and Jen Strait give you five money-saving, compliance-keeping tips for paying tipped employees. 

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5 Ways You're Not Paying Overtime Correctly

Overtime is not as simple as "Time and a Half". Especially in NY State, there are a number of factors that go into calculating overtime rates. And not knowing them can cost your business thousands of dollars.

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Legalized Marijuana & the Workplace

Recreational marijuana use is legal in New York State. And with any new legislation comes a host of rules, regulations, and considerations for business owners and HR Professionals to navigate. In this episode, Jen & Emily discuss how to treat marijuana in the workplace, how create a marijuana policy for your handbook, and how to enforce it.

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Navigating Employees' Personal Needs

As an HR professional or business owner, it can sometimes be difficult to know your role or responsibility for navigating your employees' mental health. In this episode, Jen & Emily discuss when to intervene in an employee's mental health crisis, when to step back, and how to know the difference.

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Exempt vs. Non-Exempt Status

How you pay your staff isn’t a matter of arbitrary discretion. In this episode, Jen and Emily explain the difference between Exempt and Non-Exempt employees, and how how to classify them properly (and legally).

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Five Things Employers Need to Know About Employee Leaves

With so many types of Employee Leave out there, it is more important than ever that Employers stay on top of the types of leave available, what their requirements and obligations are, and when to admit they need help.

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The Value of Managers

Jennifer Strait and Emily Martin (Ally HR Partners) discuss how managers are the unsung heroes of the workforce, and what to consider when you are creating, defining, and filling management roles.

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Five Ways Employers Can Prepare for 2022

2021 saw a lot of regulatory changes for employers, particularly here in New York State. In this episode, Jen Strait & Emily Martin (Ally HR Partners) are back to give employers five ways they can prepare for 2022. Read more... 

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Five Lessons for Better HR, Part 5: Effective Use of HR Systems & Data

In the final installment of the "Better HR" series, Emily Martin (Ally HR Partners) and Jen Strait discuss how using a feature-rich HRIS system can not only streamline all aspects of the employee lifecycle from hire to retire, it can also protect your business in the event of an audit or legal action.  Read more...

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Five Lessons for Better HR, Part 4: Purposeful Application & Use

In part 4 of our 5-part series on how Better HR can (and should) be helping your business, Jen & Emily (Ally HR Partners) discuss how you can take the lessons that you added to your playbook from parts 1-3 and put them into action, taking your business over the goal line! 🏈

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Five Lessons for Better HR, Part 3: Setting Behavioral Expectations

Sometimes, it's not enough that the job gets done, but how it gets done.

In this third part in a five-part series on how "Better HR" can (and should) help your business, Jen and Emily discuss how clearly defined and communicated mission and value statements should guide your expectations regarding employee behavior.

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5 Lessons for Better HR, Part 2: Defining Roles & Expectations

In part 2, Emily and Jen discuss the importance of structuring your business, defining the necessary roles within that business, and clearly setting and communicating expectations for those roles. 

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Five Lessons for Better HR, Part 1: What is Better HR?

Our very own Jennifer Strait and Emily Martin from Ally HR Partners launch the first of a five-part series on what "Better HR" can (and should) mean for your business.

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Four Simple Tips for Navigating the Hiring & Recruitment Crisis

Our very own Jennifer Strait and Emily Martin from Ally HR Partners four simple ways that companies can navigate the current hiring & recruitment crisis.

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Five Lessons Every Business Owner Should Have Learned from the Pandemic

Jen Strait and Emily Martin (Ally HR Partners) lay out the five lessons every business owner or HR professional should have learned from the pandemic. 

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