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Time and labor

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Let's talk about timekeeping.

The old way?

Have your employees punch in and out on a stamp clock. Then scour that data, enter it manually line-by-line and send it to the payroll department. The payroll department then needs to manually enter data into payroll system. Or worse, you don’t even use a punch clock and no time is tracked?

Trade a couple bucks for a couple hours.

Here’s a quick example of how a time and labor system can show its value…

Let’s say you have 20 employees, and each of them are getting paid for 5 minutes of “wasted” pay each day. (And that’s a generous estimate.)

If you’re paying them just $10 per hour, you’re already paying $334 a month (or $4,008 a year) for labor that’s not actually being labored.

The alternative?

Automated time and labor services don’t just make your life easier by unloading the mundane tasks of manually entering payroll, it also saves you money.

Our system collects all the data from the clock and can be filtered into payroll.
No thinking. No manual entry. Just twenty-first century computers doing their thing.

Have complex needs?

Need biometrics? No problem.

Want GPS locating options? We’ve got that too.

Whether your needs are basic or extremely complex we have an option and we can customize a solution for your specific needs.

And that’s a no-brainer.

If you’d like to speak with one of our Time and Labor experts, call us at 888-237-5800 or request more information online.

time labour portrait
The implementation team at Complete Payroll really listened to our needs and made the process very easy.  The software was easily tailored to meet our specific needs and it has streamlined many of the manual steps in our time keeping process.

Jennifer Manuse

Manager at Continental School of Beauty

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