The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) requires certain employers to submit a report categorizing their employees by race or ethnicity, gender, and job category. This demographic survey, called the EEO-1, is due by March 31. All employers with 100 or more employees must file the report. Employers also must file if the organization is any of the following:
- Owned by or affiliated with another company and the entire enterprise has 100 or more employees
- A federal government prime contractor or first-tier subcontractor with 50 or more employees and with a contract or subcontract amounting to $50,000 or more
- Serving as a depository of government funds in any amount
- A financial institution that is an issuing and paying agent for US Savings Bonds and Notes
- Use employment data from one pay period in October, November, or December of 2017.
- For a single-establishment company, submit only one EEO-1 data report. For a multi-establishment company, submit a separate report for each location.
- Identify the race or ethnicity of employees based on how they identify themselves. If they decline to self-identify, then use employment records or visual observation.
- Include both full-time and part-time employees.
- Include employees who telecommute in the survey for the location to which they report.
The EEOC would prefer that employers file online. When doing so, don’t forget to click the “certify report” button; otherwise, the EEOC will not receive your report. Go here to file, and find the EEOC’s FAQs on filing here.
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