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How to Save Time and Money with Employee Scheduling Software

March 14, 2022

Written by Joe Peluso

How to Save Time and Money with Employee Scheduling Software

Any good business finds the delicate balance of keeping employees happy and productive while looking out for their bottom line. With the ever-increasing list of demands on managers and owners, that’s not always a simple task. 

However, with the right strategy and the right tools, this can be done much easier. One of the best tools your business can invest in is software that can help with employee scheduling and a variety of other responsibilities to ensure you are maximizing productivity while increasing employee satisfaction. 

In this article, we’ll show you just some of the ways that employee scheduling software will save you time in creating those tricky employee schedules while helping eliminate human errors that can lead to costly consequences.

1. Give Time Back to Your Managers

As the saying goes, “Time is money.” And when managers spend hours every week creating employee schedules by hand or through electronic spreadsheets, that’s time away from other things they could be doing. Scheduling software helps eliminate the cumbersome process of juggling everything from federal, state and local laws to employee requests for schedule changes. Software allows you to repeat scheduling information from cycle to cycle and streamlines the process of making schedules.

2. Get Alerted When You’re Understaffed

No matter how many times you’ve created a successful employee schedule by hand, every time you do so, you’re rolling the dice when it comes to human errors. Mistakes happen, of course, but when they happen in staffing schedules, the consequences can often be costly to the company. Whether it’s through decreased customer service to the burden falling on other employees, a shift that is understaffed can decrease job satisfaction and cause customers to go elsewhere.

3. Maintain Compliance

If you are in a regulated industry, human error can easily make you non-compliant with regulations that govern your business. Many industries have rules and regulations when it comes to labor like how many hours can be worked and how many breaks they need. Being out of compliance can rack up costly penalties. With scheduling software, you are reducing the chances that human error could schedule someone for too many hours or not take required breaks into account. It’s a safety net to ensure you are not accidentally violating these rules and regulations. 

4. Employees Have Real-Time Access Anytime, Anywhere

We’ve probably all had a job in the past when you had to hunt down the posted paper schedule that was in the break-room. Once the schedule was found, it was hard to determine if it was even accurate given all the last minute changes that happen to any schedule. However, with an online staff scheduling system, employees get access to up-to-the-minute revisions to schedules at any time on any device. Employees can have peace of mind knowing they have the most up-to-date information in a place convenient for them to check. 

5. Can Avoid Unnecessary Overtime

One thing that can drain a company’s budget quickly is overtime pay. When schedules are done by hand, it can be difficult to keep track of the hours employees have worked, which can lead to unnecessary overtime. With scheduling software, you can easily track hours that are worked by each employee to show you where you are over scheduling and what shifts can be given to employees that have greater availability. Reducing unnecessary overtime can save you a lot of money in the long run. 

6. Reduce Attrition

Using software to strategically utilize staff helps reduce burning out some employees while leaving others underutilized. This has a domino effect: Higher morale leads to higher productivity which leads to a better customer experience. All of these positive effects contribute to the time and money saved for your entire organization. 


Employee scheduling software, like the robust software available from Complete Payroll, helps you watch your bottom line while using your time and energy more efficiently. If you’re ready to invest in something that will make your job easier while making your company more profitable, contact one of our team members at Complete Payroll to discuss how we can help you do just that. 

DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein does not constitute the provision of legal advice, tax advice, accounting services or professional consulting of any kind. The information provided herein should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional legal, tax, accounting, or other professional advisers. Before making any decision or taking any action, you should consult a professional adviser who has been provided with all pertinent facts relevant to your particular situation and for your particular state(s) of operation.

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