It’s post-graduation season, a time where new college grads are eager to find rewarding jobs in the real world.
According to a recent USA Today article, about 57% of employers say they plan to hire new college graduates this year, up from 53% last year and 44% in 2010. (This estimate is based on a survey of 2,138 hiring managers and human resource professionals from different sized employers in multiple industries.)
So what are today’s new college grads looking for in a company? Today we will share ideas to help attract the best and brightest millennials to your company.
Offer flexibility. Flexible work arrangements might be just as if not more important than money. Younger workers want a say over when and where they work – and how they deliver a job well done. The old 9 to 5 workday is becoming antiquated with the influx of younger workers.
Become social media savvy. Did you know that college students spend two to four hours daily on sites like Facebook and Twitter? Using social media to attract top talent can be very powerful if you do it correctly. The idea is to target candidates based on their specific interests, who they follow, and what they are searching for or talking about. An important thing to note is that real-time engagement works best if you add value (share ideas, educate, etc.) and don’t do blatant self-promotions.
Offer on-demand feedback. This generation is used to getting answers quickly and being told how they’re doing almost instantaneously. After all they’ve grown up in a world where TV programs are on demand and where they can Google something to get an instant answer. College grads are willing to work for your praise and pats on the back.
Keep your company’s brand consistent. How is your company perceived across different mediums. Is it consistent? Sure not everyone can be Facebook or Google, but there are a lot of ways even small companies can promote their brand and unique corporate culture.
Offer work-life balance. College grads are willing to work hard, but they also want time to enjoy themselves. Those companies that make work-life balance a priority will be able not only to attract top candidates, but retain them as well. (Check out our recent post about implementing summer hours.)
Want more ideas?
Here are a few more tips to help attract those candidates fresh out of college:
- Don’t make lowball salary offers. Pay them what they’re worth.
- Make applying easy, clear and engaging.
- Pique student’s interests by holding online contests and activities that paint an interesting picture of their brand.
- Offer on-the-job training.
Complete Payroll Processing in Buffalo, NY offers payroll and HR solutions to help you transition new hires into new roles within your company. If you have any questions on how we can help your company, please call us today.
Sources used to write this article: