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Mega Menu_newspaper_438174_24px Payroll Country Blog

Your constant source for helpful, useful, and entertaining content about payroll, human resources or anything else that will help you manage your workforce.

Mega Menu_Video Series_clapper_438174 Video Series

Conversations with experts in a wide range of HR/HCM topics, for the benefit of anyone whose job it is to manage a workforce or take care of people.

Ashley Explains

Our Implementation Manager Ashley Hamilton gives you the facts about tax, labor laws, and a whole lot more.

Unfiltered HR

Our very own Jen Strait and Emily Martin from Ally HR Partners tackle common HR issues and provide practical advice to help you manage your workforce more effectively!

Mega Menu_Demo Video Library_video-player_438174 Demo Video Library

Welcome to our comprehensive - yet growing - library of instructional how-to videos that focus on a variety of functions across our software platforms. Scroll down and filter by category or use the search bar to find exactly what you're looking for.

Mega Menu_Resource LIbrary_book_438174 Resource Library

A robust library of guides, kits and tools designed to educate and support anyone responsible for payroll, HR or managing a workforce of people.

Mega Menu_Employer Guides_user-guide_438174 Employer Guides

An extensive and ever-growing library of super handy employer guides on everything from human resource topics, important Labor Law updates, how to approach payroll for your company's industry, and much more.

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Software Downloads

Quickly reference and download software platforms, installation guides, middleware and other critical files you may need as a client to properly process critical payroll and HR functions with Complete Payroll. 

Mega Menu_What Is Payroll Country_landscape_438174 What is Payroll Country?

In Payroll Country, people come first, manners aren't optional and a job isn't done until it is. Sure, we're headquartered in a small, rural town. But Payroll Country isn't just where we're from. It's our philosophy of how business should be conducted. Welcome!

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Careers in Payroll Country
It's not about where we work, it's about how we work. And, more importantly, how we work together.
Mega Menu_Client Referral Program_teamwork_438174 Client Referral Program

Earn payroll credit for bringing your colleagues and friends to Payroll Country!

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Check out what some of our most loyal clients have to say about their Payroll Country experience, or leave some kind words about your own. 

Mega Menu_Switching Payroll Companies_bridge_438174 Switching Payroll Companies

Our clear and simple implementation process removes all of the guesswork and friction, so can switch payroll providers seamlessly and without disruption to your business.

About Complete Payroll

We're a mid-sized firm founded in 1992 that specializes in Payroll, Timekeeping, HR, Human Capital Management and a few other related services. We work with clients all over the country from a county in Upstate New York where there are literally more cows than people.

We Can Help You With:

HR & Payroll Processing

Enable, strengthen and compensate your workforce.

Talent Management

Employ, onboard, develop and manage the best talent.

Workforce Management

Track and process time, expenses, benefits and more.

Employee Engagement

Empower employees to share, perform, learn, and grow.

People Services

Subscription services to help you manage your benefits and HR needs.

Benefits & Insurance

Enroll and manage benefits administration for your team.

Request a Quote

Submit the form and a member of our team will follow up with you within 1 business day.

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Browse our Solutions

Humans are your best resources. They should be paid, managed and supported with enterprise technology and people that care. Learn all the ways Complete Payroll can help.


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Get recent or relevant blog articles, links to free resources (like ebooks, kits, and guides) and more information about payroll, HR and timekeeping solutions for your business.

What is Payroll Country?

In Payroll Country, people come first, manners aren't optional and a job isn't done until it is. Sure, we're headquartered in a small, rural town. But Payroll Country isn't just where we're from. It's our philosophy of how business should be conducted. Welcome!

What Is Life in Payroll Country?


Single Point of Contact

A dedicated rep that knows you, your business and what the heck they're talking about.


Free Software Training

We have full-time employees dedicated to helping you and your team use our software effectively.


Free Custom Reports

It's your data. You should be able to get it however you want. We never charge for custom reports.


Modern Software

You'd be hard pressed to find something our software can't do for you. We've got you covered.


Easy Payroll Transitions

We have an entire team dedicated to making yours go as smoothly as possible. No worries.


Competitive Pricing

There's a pretty good chance we could be saving you some money. Can't leave that out.

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Humans are our best resource. We're proud of our software but we're prouder of the friendly, experienced people that support it (and you).

In Payroll Country, you are 4 times more likely to have a conversation about how your payroll experience can be improved than you are to have a conversation about buying more products.

Let's Connect

Get in touch with a real human that knows their stuff and is eager to help you.


Connect with an Account Executive to learn more about our solutions, get pricing or schedule a demo.

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Connect with our Customer Service team for help with payroll or anything related to your account.

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Connect with our Finance team for answers about invoices, tax payments or anything related.

Billing & Tax